About my shoes...

Okay the first two posts I originally posted on myspace, but thought I'd post them over here too. I'm not going to transfer all of my old posts, so feel free to pop over to myspace.com/rikijimison to read my old posts.

Riki's Shoes Have Far To Go is a reference to many things. First, I have much to learn in life as I pursue a close relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If you want to know more about that, ask me. Second, I have a long road ahead of me since I was diagnosed with MS in 2005. Third, my nephew and I would like to visit all of the major league baseball parks in the U.S. So far we have made it to Wrigley field, Minutemaid Park and the Ballpark at Arlington.

With these three things in mind, it seems I have a long distance race ahead of me. All the while I'm keeping in mind Isaiah 40:31 and 1 Corinthians 15:52. In this blog you will find references to God, Jesus Christ, MS, Photography, and anything else I care to comment on.